Pilot: Quatre Winner
Model number: XXXG-01SR
Height: 16.5 meters
Weight: 7.5 tons
Armor materials: Gundanium
Standard armament:
Vulcan Gun x 2
Shield Flash x 2
Heat Shotel x 2
Homming Missles x 2
Cross Crusher x 1
Ability Levels
Fighting: 120
Weapons: 120
Speed: 110
Power: 150
Armored: 160
Gundam Sandrock was created at the L4
colony cluster, using the resources of
the wealthy Winner family. This powerful,
heavily-armored Gundam is designed for
hand-to-hand combat, and is particularly
well-suited to desert conditions. Its
main weapons are the curved,
heat-radiating blades of its heat
shotels; the Sandrock is strong enough to
wield one of these huge blades with a
single hand, or strike simultaneously
with both. The Sandrock can mount its
backpack, shield, and both heat shotels
on its forearm to perform a deadly pincer
attack called the "cross
crusher." |