Pilot: Heero Yuy
Model number: XXXG-01W
Height: 16.3 meters
Weight: 7.1 tons
Armor materials: Gundanium
Standard armament:
Vulcan Gun x 2
Machine Cannon x 2
Buster Rifle x 1
Beam Saber x 2
Ability Levels
Fighting: 130
Weapons: 140
Speed: 150
Power: 120
Armored: 130
advanced mobile suit was created by a
resistance group at the L1 colony cluster
for the sole purpose of battling Oz. The
Wing Gundam can transform into a winged
"bird mode" superior to any
conventional fighter plane; in this form,
it can survive re-entry and fly in
Earth's atmosphere. Its primary weapon is
the buster rifle, an immensely powerful
beam weapon which can be fired only three
times before its energy supply must be
recharged. For close-range combat, the
Wing Gundam relies on its
shoulder-mounted machine cannons and the
beam sabers stored in its shield. |